Being Uninsured is Your Greatest Barrier to Access to Health Care
Open Enrollment Ends February 15, 2015
#GetCovered #StayCovered
Are You Covered?
Every sad and tragic story we hear contains the words, “He didn’t have health insurance.” We understand that being young and healthy means that having health insurance isn’t the top thing on your mind.
However, when you do have an issue or an accident the first thing on your mind is going to be, “What doctor should I go to?” Without health insurance you’re not going to have many doctors or options to choose. #GetCovered now. You’ll thank yourself later.
Need help enrolling in a Marketplace Health Insurance Plan?
Free local assistance is available to help you better understand your options and get you enrolled in a Marketplace Health Insurance Plan.
Free local assistance available to help understand and enroll in a Marketplace Health Plan. #GetCovered Click To TweetHealth Insurance isn’t as expensive as you think.
Over 80% of Ohioans eligible to enroll in a Marketplace Health Insurance Plan have been eligible for financial assistance as well.
Health Insurance isn’t as expensive as you think. Estimate your costs. #GetCovered Click To Tweet
Open Enrollment Ends on February 15, 2015 #GetCovered
2015 Open Enrollment Periodref.
Ohioans are Eligible to Enroll in a 2015 Marketplace Health Insurance Plan.
Ohioans have Selected a 2015 Marketplace Health Insurance Plan as of 12/15/14.
During the 2014 Open Enrollment Period 285,987 Ohioans completed an application and were assessed as being eligible to enroll in a Marketplace Plan. 65% of those eligible to enroll were also eligible for financial assistance. Only 154,688 Ohioans selected a Marketplace plan or only 54% of those eligible to enroll selected a plan. An additional 156,899 Ohioans were assessed and being eligible for Medicaid/CHIP.